Tuesday 7 November 2017

Morning Star and Long Leg the Frog

A folktale from Peru, retold for www.ecokidsplanet.com 

When she was born, her mother looked into her eyes and saw that they sparkled.

“She is called Collyur – morning star,” said her mother. Collyur grew happy and strong in her village home, high in the mountains of Peru.

But that was a long time ago. Now her Mother was crying; Collyur had disappeared and no one had seen her for days.


In a cold mountain stream, lived a little frog. As she grew from an inky black tadpole, she noticed she was different – one of her legs was longer than the other. Her brothers and sisters teased and laughed at her so Frog would swim upstream to hide her tears from them.

Frog sat in shady waters near the gaping mouth of a cave. It was Condor’s cave and he swooped in and out on his great black wings each and every day. But Condor did not live alone. As night turned to day and the morning star appeared over the mountains, a young girl left the cave, carrying vicuna skins which she would begin to beat into blankets. There was a long sinew of rope around her ankle that kept her tied close to Condor’s cave. Frog could see tears glistening in the girl’s eyes and saw that whenever Condor flew over, the girl would wipe the tears away so he would not see her cry.

“She is like me; we are sisters,” thought Frog.

One day, Frog heard the girl and Condor talking.

“I must wash my clothes. Let me down to the stream.”

“Do you think I’m stupid?” Condor croaked “You will run away and I will have no one to serve me.”

“You will be able to hear me beat my clothes against the rocks. I could not escape.”

“Ok, but if I cannot hear the beat of your washing for even a second, I will swoop down and you will be punished!” he rasped.

And so the rope was loosened and the girl ran down to the stream.  

“Hey! Hey! Girl! Over here!” Frog shouted.

Collyur turned and saw a little frog with one long leg.

“Let me help you. I will beat your clothes so he will not realised you have escaped.”

“Why would you help me little frog?” she asked in amazement.

“Why wouldn’t I help someone in pain?”

So Frog climbed out of the stream and took Collyur’s clothes in the toes of her long leg and with all of her strength, the tiny frog began to beat the clothes against the rock.

 “Run sister! Run!” Frog cried.

Collyur paused, smiled and kissed the little frog on the forehead and then she turned and ran as far and as fast as she could down the mountains and back to her village.


Condor could no longer hear the sound of his prisoner cleaning her clothes. Furious, he flapped his wings and soared down to the stream. His keen eyes looked here and there, but all he could see was the shadow of a long-legged frog swimming through the water.

Frog returned to her home. When she arrived her brother and sisters stared in wonder, for where Collyur had kissed her there was now a shining jewel. Frog felt a swelling of pride and joy in her heart. Her brothers and sisters never teased her again.

Back in the village, Collyur’s mother sat weeping. Just before sunrise as the night drew back her cloak, Collyur appeared at the door. Her face was stained with tears, but her eyes glistened with joy.

“My morning star!”cried her mother. They embraced and sobbed and laughed and Collyur told them the whole story.  

And from that day to this, the people of that village leave tiny frog statues by the streams and on the mountain tops to thank the long-legged Frog and ask for her help in all that they do.

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